MGPR, the organization for which I foster, has
a bunch of new guinea pigs available for adoption. Exciting day! MGPR spays and neuters all their guinea pigs unless it's not medically advisable. There are even more guinea pigs who will be available for adoption that aren't on their site, so keep checking back.
ADOPTED! Lucky is a beautiful Abby boy who is one year old. He is very friendly with both people and pigs. Lucky is looking for a sow-friend to spend the rest of his life with, and he cannot be adopted as a single pig.
ADOPTED! Dana (first pictured) is a beautiful nine month old girl, and is sisters with
ADOPTED! Crystal. The girls can be adopted separately so long as they won't be single pigs, or they can be adopted together. Crystal is a gorgeous nine month old abby girl.

ADOPTED! Tootsie has actually previously been featured on this blog, in
this post. I loved her then and I love her now! She is ten months old and somewhat shy, but absolutely loves other guinea pigs. She must be adopted either with another guinea pig, or to a home that has a guinea pig waiting for her.
ADOPTED! Superfudge and Squeaky are a handsome boy/girl pair who met and fell in love in a foster home. Squeaky is a friendly sweetheart who will greet you at the entrance of the cage. They are a wonderful pair waiting for wonderful adopters.
ADOPTED! Frank is a cute boy, eleven months old, who is looking for a girl-friend too. He is very personable with pigs and people--sounds perfect!
ADOPTED! Layla is such a sweet girl, with a little white chin. She is two years old and laid back. She loves other pigs, and wants to be adopted to a home with other guineas.

And don't forget
MGPR's pig of the month-
ADOPTED! Possum! This cute boy is ready and waiting for a home. At eleven months he's past the prickly adolescence but still full of young boar-ish energy. He's healthy, full of energy, and loves other pigs. He needs to go to a home where he'll have pig and people pals.
helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?"