*NEW* Mimzy is a ten month old girl with short brown and white fur. She was born in the shelter. She has experience with cats, dogs, and kids. Vocal, "very sweet and friendly."
*NEW* Gabby is a two year old girl who is learning on how to be a happy guinea pig at the shelter. She wants to be adopted with a guinea girlfriend from the shelter! She has smooth white fur, some experience with dogs, and experience with children.
*NEW* Snowy is a three week old male guinea pig-just a baby! He wants to be adopted with one of his guy friends so he has company. Guinea pigs always need a friend. He has short white fur, some experience with dogs, and experience with children.
*NEW* Cloud is a three week old male guinea pig hoping to be adopted with a friend-how about Snowy? He has short white fur too, some experience with dogs, and experience with children.
*NEW* Julius is a six week old male guinea pig, very "sweet and friendly" who was born in the shelter. Vocal. He has short brown and red fur, a white nose, and experience with dogs, cats, and kids!
*NEW* Leo is a six week old male guinea pig who is also very "sweet and friendly." He was born in the shelter too! He has the same markings, short brown and red fur with a white nose. His experience with cats, dogs, and children is not listed.
Cinnamon is a one year old brown and white male guinea pig who has experience with dogs and children above the age of ten. Speaking of, he was surrendered to the shelter because his family's children lost interest in him. Parents really need to prepare to be primary care-giver for a pet, and anticipate being sole care-giver should the child lose interest. Otherwise the animal will suffer.

Fudge is a 9 month old male with short brown/tan fur.

Marshmellow is a 7 week old male with smooth white fur. "Marshmellow was surrendered to the vbspca because his family did not want him. He is friendly and likes to be held." It sounds like he comes from the same litter as Alex; he also has experience with children.

Abby is a 7 week old male with smooth white fur. He has the same bio and experience with children as Alex and Marshmellow.

LISTING REMOVED Bear is a one year old chubby female guinea pig with short black fur. She is well socialized to people but does not have experience with other animals.

LR Alex is a 7 week old male with smooth black and white fur and small amounts of brown. "Alex was surrendered to the vbspca because his family did not want him. He is friendly and likes to be held." He has experience with children.

Many sad accidents or "accidents" can be avoided this way. *
helpful links: Where to Begin? General Care Guide & Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Better Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?" & Guinea Pigs need a friend! Social Interaction & Boy or Girl? & "What is Rescuing and Adopting?" & Social Cause Marketing & Guinea Pigs in PA/NY/NJ/WV