CFC Federal Campaign

If you are a federal employee in the Washington, DC area, MGPR is an authorized charity for Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). You can find us under "local Agencies" using organization number 94742.
Help keep us all in fancy cars and cigars, lofts downtown and evening gowns! Actually your donation would help us buy food for starved animals, pay for life-saving medical care, and allow us to pull more animals from kill shelters. Despite Ellen-related rumors to the contrary, every volunteer for a rescue or shelter is spending loads of money out-of-pocket. When people say working with animals is rewarding, they don't mean financially.
On to the guinea pigs, who can be found on MGPR's available pigs page.
ADOPTED! This is Blondie. My boyfriend and I were trying to come up with Blondie jokes for her. His was: "Don't have a heart of glass, adopt this guinea pig." Mine was, "Like Debbie Harry in the 80s, this guinea pig is in her prime." They're both terrible. I'm sorry Blondie the guinea pig. You're so beautiful and sweet and I can't come up with a tagline for you. Don't punish Blondie the guinea pig for our faults-please give her a forever home! She lives with Rosie.

No longer available Here's Rosie, who I think is so beautiful. This whole group of four is gorgeous, really. Rosie lives with Blondie, and is looking for a forever home. Can we find her one? We Can Do It!

ADOPTED! Felix is one handsome boy. He looks so much like Rosie it's remarkable. Felix has two namesakes, Felix the Cat and Felix on the Odd Couple. Felix is potty trained in a litter box, and very tidy. From my experience, this makes him a miracle pig.

ADOPTED! Mr. Bill (now paired with another pig) is a gorgeous tricolor abby gentlemen. I have not met him in person yet, but when I do I am going to hold him and pet him for hours (permission willing from his foster mom). He is so handsome and charming.

helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?"