Franklin is a two year old male, found as a stray, with short white and black fur.
VBSPCA Piggies from 3/20/2008
Tony's bio reads as follows: Tony has a lot of personality for such a little guinea pig! his previous owner told us that he loves to listen to the radio and station 90.7 plays his favorite tunes. Tony loves munching on fresh veggies and he absolutely adores parsley! He is one year old with gray and white fur, and has no experience with kids, dogs, or cats.

Arrow is a three day old female. She has black fur and no experience with dogs. Read up before bringing home baby guinea pigs, especially on baby proofing the cages so they don't get stuck. I really recommend bringing her home with one of her (same sex) siblings.

Many sad accidents or "accidents" can be avoided this way. *
helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?" & Social Life & Boy or Girl? & "What is Rescuing and Adopting?" & Social Cause Marketing & Guinea Pigs in PA/NY/NJ/WV .