Metropolitan Guinea Pig Rescue; MD, DC, VA:
ADOPTED! Olivia, ADOPTED! Carmen, ADOPTED! Axl, ADOPTED! Baby Angel Face, ADOPTED! Lily Ann, ADOPTED! Mr. Pibb and Dr. Pepper,ADOPTED! Coco Puff, ADOPTED! Rabbie and Roxy! (That links you to all the MGPR pigs, where you'll find many pigs I've already featured who are still available for adoption).
Metropolitan Guinea Pig Rescue is an amazing rescue! It's also the one for which I foster :) I'm going to cheat and copy and paste the bios.
ADOPTED! Olivia is eight months old and a black short haired ridgeback. Her bio reads "Olivia is a petite young female who had a litter soon after she came into the rescue - probably stunting her growth. She cannot be adopted alone as she has always lived with other pigs." Do you see her adorable white nose? What a cutie!
ADOPTED! Carmen is a two month old tan and white short hair. Her bio reads "Carmen was born in our rescue on January 17. She is the daughter of Olivia. Carmen cannot be adopted alone, so she is looking for another pig to share in her piggy life."
Axl is a one year and nine month old crested boar

with white and brown fur. His bio reads "Axl is a beautiful adult male who was recently returned to the rescue because his family moved into an apartment that wouldn't let him keep him. He loves other pigs and isn't used to living alone. He looking for a nice girlfriend and a home that will keep him forever."
Baby Angel Face is a ten month old brown and white American shorthair girl. Her bio reads "Baby Angel Face is a very special little lady. She needs to be adopted by an adult or an older teen that is going to spend LOTS of one on one time with her. She is very petite and will not get much bigger. She does enjoy floor time spent with other pigs but she is happiest when perched on her humans shoulder and will happily stay there as long as you will allow it. She is tender of heart and did not eat very much for two weeks after she was surrendered by her owner. It would not be unexpected for the same thing to happen when she leaves her foster home. This sweet girl needs a once and for all forever home and her very own human to own for all time."
ADOPTED! Lily Ann is nine months old and a brown agouti abby girl. Her bio reads "Lily Ann has beautiful eyes and fur and is a joy to cuddle. She was dropped off at the DC shelter with her mate and some of her offspring. On December 30th, at the shelter, she delivered 3 more babies. Lily Ann was such a good momma, but we found out she was pregnant again and we luckily had her spayed so she wouldn't have to endure yet another litter. She is a sweetie and a huge eater. She loves to run and is quite fast, but she is lots of fun to watch and play with."
ADOPTED! Mr. Pibb and Dr. Pepper are so adorable and so much fun! They used to be our fosters. I can guarantee they are a hoot. They are three month old abby tricolor brothers. Their bio reads: "Pibb and Pepper are two young abby brothers. They are very energetic, and love to run laps and play tag with each other."
CocoPuff is my favorite right now! Her name is so perfect. She is five months old and a brown and white abby. Her bio reads "Puff is an active girl that has never considered being anything but in charge of her female cage mates. She loves her food and lets you know it every time you open the fridge. She can be adopted with her cage mate Flake or better yet as a companion to your male. She must have a cage mate in any case."
Rabbie and Roxy are an adorable male/female abby pair. Their bio reads: "Rabbie and Roxy are a pair of abbies. Rabbie is about a year old, Roxy about 4 months. They are absolutely devoted to each other, and want to do everything together. Both are very intelligent, and Rabbie is extremely friendly to people--Roxy is a little more shy, but coming around quickly."
Many sad accidents or "accidents" can be avoided this way. *
helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?" & Social Life & Boy or Girl? & "What is Rescuing and Adopting?" & Social Cause Marketing & Guinea Pigs in PA/NY/NJ/WV .