Tuesday, October 23, 2007

MD/DC-today's local Craigslist

To be clear, I don't think giving away guinea pigs on Craig's List is an appropriate, safe goodbye for a guinea pig. Like the petstore purchase, it generally results in immediate gratification-you post, the pig is picked up, then it's out of sight out of mind. Or, often, out of sight, into a lab. Frustratingly, the petstore purchase/Craiglist post is a frequently paired duo. I don't think a person should get a guinea pig if:

*he is about to move and can't bring the guinea pig with him. Wait and adopt.
*she knows her landlord won't let her have pets but she figures it will be okay.
*he doesn't have the money for proper supplies, a cavy cage, a constant hay and trice daily veggie diet.
*she doesn't have the money for potentially hundreds of dollars worth of vet bills.
*he is going to keep the guinea pig outside or with a rabbit or by his or herself.
*she only thinks baby guinea pigs are cute.
*he wants to br33d them.
***she wants to buy a guinea pig, not taking in to account the thousands of homeless guinea pigs who will be euthanized if someone doesn't help them***

Add your own suggestions in the comment section!

So now on to the guinea pigs people are giving up. Don't let their owner's bad decision making be taken out on the guinea pigs-see if you can help before, at best, they become sn@ke food.

LISTING REMOVED. Two sows, Silver Spring, MD are being offered for fr33, along with their cage and accessories.
"Young, friendly, healthy, good with kids." Too bad people aren't good to them.

LISTING EXPIRED. Eight m.o. boar, Columbia, MD is being offered for a very reasonable adoption fee, which is responsible. It would have been better if their owner had thought before getting a puppy just two months after getting the guinea pig. Now the guinea pig has to be rehomed. He has medium length orange, chocolate and white hair. He is very sweet, friendly, and loves to be held. He comes with a a too-small cage and a bunch of other supplies.

helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?"


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