* If responding to a Craigslist ad meet in a public place, or go with a friend. Google the phone number of the poster to ensure it matches the name he or she gives *
IN A RESCUE! Germantown, MD: Two six-eight month old boars for adoption. Six months is around the time boars go through their adolescence, so prepare yourself for some grumpiness, and possibly temporary biting. They are friendly, energetic, and love to play.
Now, I don't ever want to reduce a guinea pig post to saying some are "a good deal," but these guinea pigs come with a C&C cage. That's one of the first times I've seen guinea pigs being given away with an actually useful cage. They also offer fleece blankets, which are wonderful on a guinea's footsies. AND they come with a large cage, food dishes, water bottles, Animal Planet care guide book, vitamin C drops, hay holders, cuddle cups, treats and toys (double check safety of these on Guinea Lynx), three tunnels/houses, a small fence, grooming brush and shampoo, cage cleaning spray (check for safety), and carrier.

These people are so prepared for guinea pigs I actually wonder whether they might be adopters not wanting to go back to the rescue. Just a possible theory; it happens.
helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?"
We picked these guys up Sat. They had very nice owners, I think their ad looked like that because they are SO organized! These guys came with alot of supplies and for once their nails were in good shape!
Piggie Lovers Inc. Guinea Pig Rescue
That's great! These are possibly the luckiest Craigslist guineas of all!
For those of you reading this who want dibs on these hansome boy, PLGPR's website is here: http://pligpr.bravehost.com/
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