Cave Spring Piggie Rescue has a whole bunch of cavies available for adoption, some I haven't featured yet, others I have. Please visit their website or browse this site to see their other pigs.
LISTING REMOVED. Tina is a very sweet spayed girl, two years old. She is a brown and white American, quiet and used to being handled.
LISTING REMOVED. Sadie and Chester have had a hard time of it. These pigs were in a faux-forever home for two years before returning to the rescue. I would guess from the listing that they didn't have the best time with their adoptive parents. Now they need a real forever home. It's going to be a special home that's allowed to adopt these two. Deceiving a rescue about your ability to care for animals is despicable. Sadie and Chester are a well bonded pair--Sadie is outgoing and sweet, Chester is sweet also, but not as outgoing. They are three years old, and Sadie is spayed.
LISTING REMOVED. Percy sounds very cute. He is a four month old red abby boy. Cave Spring quite literally saved his life, as well as the next boy I'm listing. Their owner bought the two boys to the vet to have them euthanized. No, the boys weren't sick. They were just too much for the owner to care for. So he dropped them of to die. Luckily the vet cvontacted Cave Springs, and they were able to rescue the piggies. Both he and Remus (below) need a special adopter. They are shy and not quite socialized to people. Understandably!
LISTING REMOVED. Remus shares the same bio as Percy, above, except he is a chocolate American.
It's a hard knock bunch right now. These pigs really need the love of a forever home.
helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?"
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