LISTING REMOVED. Chumley is a young boy, exact age unknown. He's small in stature, vocal, and loves to be pet. He's friendly, outgoing, and loves his carrots! As illustrated by his cute photograph.
Visit my new site for stories of sanctuary pigs. Please pass it on!
Welcome to AAGP!
Above: Photo of Peaches, sanctuary pig with MGPR
This blog is intended to feature guinea pigs for adoption in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia, not limited to the metropolitan area. In order to add a listing please email AdoptAGuineaPig @ The blog will also feature news about area shelters and rescues. It in no way encourages br33ding, pet store purchases, or impulsively bringing a living defenseless creature in to an unequipped home.
Leave a note if you visit and have any suggestions. And please, please! anyone who finds their guinea pig from this site, let me know-that would make me tremendously happy.
Introducing a new feature of the AAGP blogs! Sanctuary pigs stay with rescues for their entire lives, as they are special needs pigs who would be otherwise euthanized at the shelter or are unadoptable. They have expensive medical conditions and need regular donations to help their ongoing care. Please, any amount you can send the way of one of these pigs would be much appreciated.
Grace, a Wee Companions Sanctuary Pig (CA Rescue)
Sanctuary pigs are with rescues for their lifetime. Click to view all of Wee Companions' sanctuary pigs, and see how to donate toward their ongoing care!
Maddie, a sanctuary pig with CA rescue Orange County Cavy Haven
Click to help fund Madison's ongoing care-she has permanent head tilt, sludge, and a mass in her inner ear. OCCH makes sure she gets guaranteed love!
Peaches-A Special Needs Sanctuary Pig.
MGPR saved Peaches life. She came to the rescue weighing less than a pound and couldn't even stand. After months of caretaking she's healthy as she can be, but she will stay with the rescue for her whole life. Click to donate toward her care.
Royce, a Miracle Sanctuary Pig with CT Rescue the Critter Connection
Royce survived a horrific fate of almost being turned into a meal after being purchased from a petstore. The rescue rehabilitated his exstensive injuries. Click his picture to donate toward his care, and read his story here:
Piglet-A Sanctuary Pig with NC's All Creatures Rescue and Sanctuary
Piglet is a beautiful pig in sanctuary care. Suffering from starvation as she was born without incisors, ACRS brought her back to life. Click to donate toward her care. Read more here:
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