*Don't br33d or buy while shelter animals die*
LISTING REMOVED. Max is a gorgeous boar who is just under a year and a half old. He was given up to the shelter, which is so sad to me. He's a cute, fun, and friendly boy looking for a forever home.

LISTING REMOVED. Pumpkin and Peach are a remarkably lovely pair of sows. They're one year old sisters who are super bonded. The first guinea pigs I adopted were a pair of sisters, and it made learning about guinea pigs so much easier -- I didn't have to cope with bonding at the same time I learned it's normal for guinea pigs to eat their own poop.

LISTING REMOVED. Pumpkin and Peach are a remarkably lovely pair of sows. They're one year old sisters who are super bonded. The first guinea pigs I adopted were a pair of sisters, and it made learning about guinea pigs so much easier -- I didn't have to cope with bonding at the same time I learned it's normal for guinea pigs to eat their own poop.

All photographs taken by Haley Detrich. This is another great way to help out a shelter. Like taking pictures? Take animals' adoption photos pro bono.
helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?"
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