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POST DELETED. Perryhall (near Baltimore), MD: Senior intact male looking for a new home. I don't understand how someone could rehome an animal in their possible last years of life, but here we are. This is one of those times where I would make a comparison to people, but we rehome our senior parents too. Maybe we're not doing too great as a culture all around. When 85 year old grandmas are advertised on CL as good with kids, I believe the other shoe will have officially dropped. He's a quiet guy who has been through a bladder stone, but a modified diet has helped him out. I think his twilight years might finally be time for a mate (spayed, if female, of course). Special brownie points for rescuing this one.
LISTING REMOVED. Laurel, MD: An ad where everything goes wrong. Guinea pigs should never, ever, ever be kept in tanks. Not even in a rescue short term. This is very detrimental for them. The "Rollin' in the Hay" ball pictured has also almost cost guinea pigs their lives when they get stuck. Not to forget that it's too much work for the guinea pigs to get the hay. Bear is an adult pig with a smooth white, orange (and it looks some brown) coat. He's a sweet shy boy who is not currently being held by his current owner. He is only getting fresh food four times a week. Comes with some supplies, but *not* the cage. Worrisome. First off, it's a tank, second off, what's going to go in it next?
helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?"
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