* If responding to a Craigslist ad meet in a public place, or go with a friend. Google the phone number of the poster to
ensure it matches the name he or she gives *
ensure it matches the name he or she gives *
LISTING REMOVED. Richmond, VA: I don't think this is a br33der. If anyone investigates and finds out otherwise, let me know and I'll take down the listing. If this is a br33der and you're looking for guinea pigs, please consider one of the other listings on this site. Back to the pigs-well socialized baby pigs who the posters can no longer care for. Sex and age not specified--people have different definitions of the word baby, and these look a few months old to me at least.

helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?" & "What is Rescuing and Adopting?" & Guinea Pigs in PA/NY/NJ/WV
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