* If responding to a Craigslist ad meet in a public place, or go with a friend. Google the phone number of the poster to
ensure it matches the name he or she gives *
LISTING REMOVED. Reston, VA: Two pigs less than a year old being rehomed, sex not specified--do a pregnancy watch. The poster describes them as very cute and friendly. The pigs are used to kids, cats, dogs, and are well socialized to people. Their reasonable adoption fee includes their cage (too small), hay, pellets, water bottle (they should have two), "food crock" (huh?), hidey home (they should have two), and a big bag of bedding (toss it if it's cedar). Pics available by request.
helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?" & "What is Rescuing and Adopting?" & Social Cause Marketing & Guinea Pigs in PA/NY/NJ/WV
1 comment:
A "food crock" is just a heavy (typically ceramic), shallow bowl. I have one for my pigs, and it's perfect for them. These are often sold to ferret owners, but if they're shallow enough pigs can get at their pellets much easier...one of my pigs, Nola, likes to actually stand on her food sometimes. Armando will lay down and basically eat pellets, sometimes using them as a pillow. Hope that helps!
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