* If responding to a Craigslist ad meet in a public place, or go with a friend. Google the phone number of the poster to
ensure it matches the name he or she gives *
LISTING REMOVED. Virginia Beach, VA: Two young boars must be rehomed within thirty days due to move. They come with a cage (probably too small), water bottle (should have two), wheel (shouldn't have at all), house, log (throw it out, these are toxic), ceramic bowl, care book (can't be too accurate, stones for teeth (?), hay, food, and bedding.
LISTING REMOVED. Winchester, VA: Guinea pig with too small cage, water bottle, food and supplies. Look how miserable that pig must be. Imagine living in an environment a third of your size, and just having room to turn around in. Like living in a cell.

LISTING REMOVED. Williamsburg, VA: Adorable two month old pig needs new home. Very active. Poster requires adopter to have proper equipment prior to adoption, as well as "the knowledge and ability to take care of him well. Contact for more information." A good place to find such info is the beloved GuineaLynx.

1 comment:
GRRR that Va Beach post is just sad ! There is another sad listing on the Norfolk Craigslist as well with a way to small cage .
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