Lynchburg Humane Society, VA:
WITH A RESCUE!! Liz! (not bonded)

Rambo is a small adult male who looks like he is getting great care in the animal shelter (no colored bits in the pellets, a brick below the water bottle to absorb water, as well as to help Rambo keep his nails worn down, Carefresh bedding). His bio says that he isn't in to being held though, because he has never experienced that type of love. With patience, sometimes these love-starved guineas become the biggest lap-hounds of them all!
WITH A RESCUE!! A heads up on the darling, beautiful Liz. She is a special needs pig, and some of the symptoms described in her bio (head tilt and poor vision) are those shared by lethal pigs. A brief but informative summary of the specific concerns for caring for lethal pigs can be found at the GuineaLynx care guide,
here. I highly recommend reading it before adopting a pig such as Liz (though Liz may not be a lethal). Independent of her special needs issues, Liz is described as happy and vocal, and quite active despite her "quirks."
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