This is the rescue I foster for so I can personally guarantee all these piggies are vunderful. They're also all spayed and neutered! I'm going to be lazy and copy and paste the bios.

ADOPTED! Cocoa of (Rodney and Cocoa) was originally adopted to Rodney in July, 2007. She and Rodney were returned to us in February, as their family could no longer keep them. The two guinea pigs are estimated to be about the same age. The are very much in love with each other and want a new "forever home" together. Cocoa was spayed on 2/7/07. Rodney was neutered on 2/28/08. (Hey how adorable is Rodney?) [Cocoa F Rodney M 2 years 11 months]

Brindy is still coming out of her shell but she is already showing a lot of personality! Since she is young she is full of energy and she prefers floor time to lap time. Still, she is quickly turning into a cuddle pig. Brindy is eager to have a guinea pal, and since she is spayed she could be bonded with your boy or girl, or a pig already in our rescue. Did we mention yet that she's perfectly potty trained? What a gal! (I'm also her foster mom!) [5 months]

ADOPTED! Putter is a mellow little boy. He gets his name because he loves to get out of his cage and putter around the house. His foster mom never knows what he's going to decide to look into next. He loves the girls and will need to be adopted as a friend to your piggy or with one of ours. Putter has a single upper incisor that should not cause him any problems as long as he gets plenty of hay and some chewy sticks. [5 months]

ADOPTED! Pecan is an easy going girl that is currently enjoying living with her sister Chestnut. They could be adopted together unless you have a male that turns out to be a true "love match" for her. She can not be adopted to live as a single. Isn't she just the sweetest looking girl? She's sweet natured too! She will be spayed 3/19/08. [5 months]

ADOPTED! Chestnut is a beautiful silky soft piggy that has lots of fun playing with her sister Pecan. She could be adopted with her sister or certainly a love match with your boy would be a wonderful thing for them both. She can not be adopted out as a single pig. With a face this sweet she will certainly win the hearts of your entire household. She will be Spayed 3/19/08. [5 months]
Many sad accidents or "accidents" can be avoided this way. *
helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?" & Social Life & Boy or Girl? & "What is Rescuing and Adopting?" & Social Cause Marketing & Guinea Pigs in PA/NY/NJ/WV .
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