Let's meet all the lucky piggies!!
Peanut and Bagel, bonded pair of playful male babies. Bagel is more laid back, Peanut is more active. Still a little shy with people (typical of their age).
"Peanut & Bagel are our two baby boys. They are the best of friends but still a little shy around people. They should move to a new home together if at all possible, because they often cry when they're apart from each other. Bagel is the more laid-back of the two; he loves to lounge around and watch all the action from the comfort of his pigloo. Peanut is always walking around looking for something new to eat or trying to chat up his other cagemates. Both like to run laps around the cage."

Poppy, five month old male. Curious, active, skittish when being picked up, but settles in lap (typical of age, good soon that he settles). Should go to home without dogs/children.
"Poppy is the older brother of Peanut & Bagel. We'd guess him to be about 5 months old. He got his name back when we thought he was a girl. He's very curious and is always the first one to run to the cage wall when I come in the room. He always has to know what's going on and constantly begs for food. Poppy is skittish and should probably not go to a home with children or dogs. He doesn't much like being picked up, but seems comfortable with being held once he settles down."

"Fiyero is the father of all these babies and probably my favorite of these pigs. While he's definitely an adult, he's still pretty young...I'd say he's 9 months to a year old perhaps. He's a big sweetie who loves to be held and petted! He's very gentle and will cuddle up in your lap for long periods at a time. I adore this pig and would love to keep him myself...Fiyero gets along very well with most of the other boys and should have a (male) friend in his new home or go with one of my other boars. When we first brought Fiyero home, we thought that he had a fecal impaction, so we cleaned him up. He's been here over two months and hasn't had any more problems, so I think it was just a hygiene problem in his previous environment."

"Freddy & Georgia are the "twins," so called because their markings are so similar--just different shades of brown. These pigs are sweet and playful and love to do everything together. These two will run laps around the cage until they're exhausted."

Patches, female baby, well socialized to people, curious, loves to explore, friendly.
"Patches is our beauty--she's got a brown patch over one eye and one black ear. She's very friendly and does well being held. Patches is very inquisitive and during floor time likes to explore everywhere--she often follows our four year old pig around to new areas she hasn't been to yet. She...is one of the bolder girls coming up to the wall to beg or eat from our hands. She loves to sit in the food dish while she eats and is getting so big that when she does, the other pigs have to nudge her so she'll move and they can eat"

helpful links: Where to Begin? General Care Guide & Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?" & Social Life & Boy or Girl? & "What is Rescuing and Adopting?" & Social Cause Marketing & Guinea Pigs in PA/NY/NJ/WV
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