I am about to share a very special guinea pig with you. Her name is Gypsy. She lives in my spare bedroom! I am fostering her and her adorable daughter for Metropolitan Guinea Pig Rescue. She has been getting lots of lovin' for the last month, so she needs a very special forever home. She was dropped off in a box with five other guinea pigs at a kill-shelter. They posted an ad on Petfinder and a co-MGPR member gave them a call and picked 'em up-Gypsy, Hank, Iggy, and Gypsy's three children: Pongo, Rollo, and Captain. Gypsy and her babies stayed with me, co-MGPR member took the big boys. And after a few weeks the boys, Captain (pictured on the side bar) and Pongo, moved on to live with the director.
Gypsy was the most amazing mother ever. She was at her kids' beck and call. She's only nine months old, and a very petite lady-it's a miracle she survived the pregnancy. She needs some time to be an independent adult now! She is a scrappy little girl who loves floor time more than lap time, but she's learning to trust and love people. It seems like she loves being photographed. She's also a very aggressive pig, so she would do well paired with a "B type" piggie. Read more about her here. She gets spayed tomorrow-wish our girl luck!

helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?"
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