No excessive eye discharge (they naturally produce a milky discharge for the purpose of cleaning)
No wet nose
Normal bald spots behind the ear are the only representations of hair loss/hair thinning
Nails aren't curled under or excessively long
The guinea pig isn't frequently scratching itself (could be mites, which are easily treated)
If a female has a prounounced aerial pear shape, she may be pregnant
Remember: pet stores frequently missex guinea pigs. Check here to make sure you're getting what the ad implies.
Make sure the teeth are even and not overgrown. Check here to see what to look and look out for.
Read more about how a healthy piggy should appear here. All of GuineaLynx, including its forums, is an amazing resource for guinea pig care.
LISTING REMOVED. Two one year old boars in Blacksburg, VA. Small adoption fee, includes cage and supplies. Should be taken together. Being rehomed because of grad school.

LISTING REMOVED. Two two month old girls in Northern VA / Triangle / Quantico $10 adoption fee for each. Their picture makes me sad, as does their being rehomed. If they're only two months old, they can't have gotten much time at their (hopefully) first home. Can you give them their forever home?

LISTING EXPIRED. Don't Mess With Texels I don't have much respect for people who give away their pets on the internet, instead of finding a no-kill shelter or rescue to take them, but at least this person is asking an adoption fee. Maybe that seems unreasonable for some people, but an adoption fee somewhat secures the future of your pet. And look at this gorgeous guy. He's described as a sweet boy who loves to be held and cuddled. He comes with a C&C cage which is the best type of cage there is-pet store cages are notoriously too small. He also comes with a bunch of other supplies.

LISTING REMOVED.The type of ad where pets wind up as test subjects Fr33 two year old guinea pig with a sweet personality, loves to cuddle. Comes with cage and accessories. If she ends up as sn@ke food, her "adopters" won't care about the great package deal. Fredericksburg, VA.
LISTING REMOVED. A sad ad for four sn@ke meals Fr33: two sets of guinea pigs (sets?), must be taken in pairs. No description of the guinea pigs other than that they are well taken care of. Offering them for fr33 with no description must be the poster's last act of love toward his or her beloved pets. Portsmouth, VA. Far away? It's worth a drive to keep them alive.
LISTING EXPIRED. An eight month old, Catonsville, MD The guinea pig is said to need a new home. Let's hope that's what he/she gets, considering there's no adoption fee or any real description beyond "light brown with medium length hair." Toys and cage included. I worry the "adopters" won't need them.
LISTING EXPIRED.Two sisters in Wendell, VA The poster says they must be taken together, but s/he's offering them for fr33. People who get guinea pigs for food like getting more than one-this isn't a protection a poster is making for their pets. The guinea pigs are close to two, one is more people friendly than the other but the other would probably warm up if given attention. The poster is allergic to them, and saved them herself. I feel for this situation, but the best way to assure a good home for your pet is to take it to a no-kill shelter or a rescue--or not impulsively purchase/take animals. They come with cage and water bottle.
LISTING REMOVED. Eight month old boar in Richmond, VA Anakin is orange and black, very sociable, used to kids. Comes with cage, pigloo, water bottle, food and bedding. Giving him up because new apartment can't have pets. Fr33 to good home--you can never really tell who has the good home, and who has the good lab. Please charge an adoption fee.
LISTING REMOVED. Harford, MD-Three guinea pigs Poster prefers all go together, but can separate the trio to a pair and a single. The single boy must go to a home with another single boy. Comes with cages, hay, food, veggies, and toys. Described as very sweet. Used to kids and pets. Can transport. No adoption fee, but will screen. Let's hope s/he asks the right questions--even then, the faux-adopters know the right answers.
ADOPTED! An ad that terrified me In case it gets taken down, the title said "Fr33 Guinea Pig"and the listing read, in full, "Just like the title says, fr33 guinea pig and cage to good home." LUCKILY this guinea pig was genuinely adopted by a caring person. I thought this guinea pig was a goner for sure. Amazing. Please don't count on your "fr33 to good home" guinea pig being so lucky.
LISTING EXPIRED. Hampton, VA 1 y.o. girl Very sweet girl who loves attention, but does take a few days to warm up to people (most gps are like this, in my experience). Comes with cage, food dish, bedding, water bottle, food and tunnels. She loves to tunnel with her toys and watch T.V. with her poster. Poster is charging a very reasonable adoption fee.
LISTING REMOVED. Bon Air, VA, Mother and Daughter, Horrifying: One long hair, one short hair, comes with cage. "Great birthday gift for a child." Really? Is that how you got them in your home? It seems like the child got sick of them, like almost every kid will do, ever, because they aren't taught how to really take care of the pig and they wanted a dog or a pony instead. Get your kid a bike, they can't kill that. And the guinea pigs are being sold for a $1, which is about how much they'd cost at a bait shop. Which is likely what they'll turn in to.
IN A RESCUE! Three pigs, Baltimore/Towson, MD Wants the pigs to go together, if separated that's okay (you may have to deal with some depression if you do this). Must go ASAP according to poster. $10 rehoming fee for each (I would recommend higher, to avoid your pets becoming lab specimens, but at least it's a showing). Can purchase cages, toys, water bottles, and food for $50 if you get all three guinea pigs. If you have the space, time, and money, I recommend it--you have to have at least two guinea pigs (unless you have a certified solo), and three is much more fun, for them and you.
helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?"
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