Every rescue and shelter I post, every shelter and rescue that exists, every shelter and rescue that is in the making, needs assistance. Donations of your home, time, materials, and/or money will always be of use and incredibly appreciated. The three listings below just happen to be ones that are easy for me to post and link to.
MGPR is in need of foster homes. They accept fosterers from the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area. They're also the organization I foster for and love! That's why there's a permanent button on the side bar linking to their site--I'm biased. Below is the listing they have to call for foster homes:
"All I ever wanted was to find someone to love me. Someone who would be good to me, give me lots of scratches and snuggles, and plenty of my favorite veggies! That was my dream. When I met my foster mommy, she gave me those things. She loved me so very much. She taught me that it was OK to trust again. I had a really hard time understanding why giants like her -- I think you call them humans -- would be mean to something so small and cute like me. All I wanted was to be loved and cared for. She gave me that, and more. Now, I am with my new family. They love me a lot! And I know. . . no, I trust. . . that they will love me. . . FOREVER!" This is Mongo's story. Thankfully, his story has a "happy ending" and we at MGPR were simply the conduits to helping that happen. Would you like to help? We are currently accepting application from "giant humans" (as Mongo would say) who are interested in volunteering to foster. If you have room in your heart and in your home, please contact us. Metropolitan Guinea Pig Rescue is comprised totally of volunteers who love cavies. Metropolitan Guinea Pig Rescue: we Rescue, Rehabilitate and Find Forever Homes for our loving cavy friends.
Small Angels is in need of foster parents for guinea pigs. We will supply an appropriate habitat and other needed supplies. Foster parents are asked to provide food, bedding and love. We have discounted food and bedding available for foster parents. Fostering does require some driving -- to pick up and drop off foster animals and/or to attend some adoption events. You must live within a practical driving distance of Frederick and Mt. Airy, Maryland. If you are interested in helping guinea pigs get a second chance in life, please email guineapigs@smallangelsrescue.org for more information. Please include your phone number.
Small Angels is also in need of "Twilight Homes" for sanctuary pigs. I do this for MGPR, and it is probably the most rewarding continual experience of my life. I've copied the posting below.
Small Angels is in need of Twilight Foster Foster Homes for special needs guinea pigs. These piggies are not suitable for adoption for various reasons such as dental problems, deformities, congenital heart defects, chronic disease. We will supply an appropriate habitat and other needed supplies along with funding the veterinary care for the life of the piggie. Foster parents are asked to provide food, bedding and the extra care and love needed to give these piggies a happy and comfortable life, however short it may be. We will provide the necessary training and guidance. We also have discounted food and bedding available for foster parents. Fostering does require some driving -- to pick up and drop off foster animals and/or to take the piggie for check ups or treatment. You must live within a practical driving distance of Frederick and Mt. Airy, Maryland. If you are interested in helping a special needs guinea pig please email guineapigs@smallangelsrescue.org for more information. Please include your phone number. Thanks! (The guinea pig in the photo does not need your help as she is already in a Twilight Foster Home.)
Visit my new site for stories of sanctuary pigs. Please pass it on!
Welcome to AAGP!
Above: Photo of Peaches, sanctuary pig with MGPR
This blog is intended to feature guinea pigs for adoption in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia, not limited to the metropolitan area. In order to add a listing please email AdoptAGuineaPig @ gmail.com. The blog will also feature news about area shelters and rescues. It in no way encourages br33ding, pet store purchases, or impulsively bringing a living defenseless creature in to an unequipped home.
Leave a note if you visit and have any suggestions. And please, please! anyone who finds their guinea pig from this site, let me know-that would make me tremendously happy.
Introducing a new feature of the AAGP blogs! Sanctuary pigs stay with rescues for their entire lives, as they are special needs pigs who would be otherwise euthanized at the shelter or are unadoptable. They have expensive medical conditions and need regular donations to help their ongoing care. Please, any amount you can send the way of one of these pigs would be much appreciated.
Grace, a Wee Companions Sanctuary Pig (CA Rescue)
Sanctuary pigs are with rescues for their lifetime. Click to view all of Wee Companions' sanctuary pigs, and see how to donate toward their ongoing care!
Maddie, a sanctuary pig with CA rescue Orange County Cavy Haven
Click to help fund Madison's ongoing care-she has permanent head tilt, sludge, and a mass in her inner ear. OCCH makes sure she gets guaranteed love!
Peaches-A Special Needs Sanctuary Pig.
MGPR saved Peaches life. She came to the rescue weighing less than a pound and couldn't even stand. After months of caretaking she's healthy as she can be, but she will stay with the rescue for her whole life. Click to donate toward her care.
Royce, a Miracle Sanctuary Pig with CT Rescue the Critter Connection
Royce survived a horrific fate of almost being turned into a meal after being purchased from a petstore. The rescue rehabilitated his exstensive injuries. Click his picture to donate toward his care, and read his story here: http://www.ctguineapigrescue.org/sanctuary/royce.html
Piglet-A Sanctuary Pig with NC's All Creatures Rescue and Sanctuary
Piglet is a beautiful pig in sanctuary care. Suffering from starvation as she was born without incisors, ACRS brought her back to life. Click to donate toward her care. Read more here: http://blog.allcreaturesrescue.org/2008/04/18/little-pig-and-her-chinny-chin-chin/
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