Thursday, November 1, 2007

VA-Craigslist-2(2 sows)

If you are looking for a guinea pig on your area Craigslist, here's are some more tips:

Search the words "guinea," "guineas," "pig," and "pigs," because people frequently misspell or make typos. And this way you might start rescuing pot bellied pigs too!

If you find a cavy, Google the phone number of the person posting to make sure their number matches their name.

Bring a friend with you or meet the person in a public place. The internet creates a dangerous anonymity. For instance, I'm a lion.

LISTING EXPIRED. Annandale, VA: two two-year-old sows being dumped. One is a skinny, the other is "rust and white." Come with cage, bedding, and food. It takes a knowledgeable home to raise a skinny, or a home that is willing to become so. There may already be a plan in the works to save these two; I will keep you posted. ETA: better link for skinny. The poster has decided to contact a skinny knowledgeable rescue and a piggy train is being organized. ETA: Apparently the skinny was sick; allegedly the poster decided to keep them.

LISTING EXPIRED. Two more sows near Richmond, VA-Lakeside, specifically. This post is a little hard to make out, so bear with me. Ginger is the mom and Daisy is the daughter. They were a gift from the poster's ex-boyfriend. Ginger is two and Daisy is a little over one year old. They come with their cage or two cages, water bottle, food, bowls, houses, etc. Ginger is a bit more timid, but Daisy is a real people pig.

helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?"


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