Friday, November 23, 2007

VA-Norfolk SPCA

The Norfolk SPCA has three guinea pigs available for adoption, two of whom I have already featured, but shockingly are still there. Adopt these beauties! They've been too long with out a home to call their own.

This is a new picture of Betty, who for some reason now has two listings. I'll leave those of you who fall in love with her to sort it out. She is a young sow of medium size, and she is wearing a cute black mask!

NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Napoleon looks like a wise old boar to me, but he is actually young and spry. He is so sweet looking!

LISTING REMOVED. Guinea Pig is a small young...guinea pig, whose sex is unknown. Seems odd. If anyone can figure this out please post here. Boy or girl, this pig is cute! UPDATE: GP's a boy!



Anonymous said...

Betty is very sweet but being kept in a wire bottom cage so bad for her feetsies . Napoleon sadly passed away during a surgery to remove an abcess.
The other pone who has no name was dropped at the door he is definately a MALE. He is also sweet sweet .

S.B. said...

Thank you so much for the information. I'm so sad about Napoleon, I had fallen in love with his face. Is there anyway possible to keep Betty off the wire floor? I know when really in a bind some people have just used thick layers of newspaper changed twice a day. Is the guinea pig boy also on wire floors?

Again, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Im donating a cage for Betty tomorrow . In fact I was trying to adopt them but apparently the new management of my apartment complex no longer allows them as pets here ! GRRRR!!! The other one whom I will call Gingersnap lol as he reminds me of ginger is in a ok floored cage but its EXTREMELY small for him . I REALLY Hope they get adopted soon ! Betty and He were both so THRILLED to just be held today .

Anonymous said...

Went by today and dropped a cage off and water bottle off for miss Betty and fed her some hay . She ran up to her cage door and greeted me with a Wheek and a popcorn . She is really so sweet and I hope she gets adopted SOON ! I also dropped off some carefresh bedding and timothy grain and grass as well as vita c pills and Turnip greens brocolli and carrots . She had a mite problem and was patchy in places but the spca has cleaned her up well . She looks very healthy other than a small thin patch on her back . She just needs someone to lavish love and attention on her !

S.B. said...

Oh, you are a guinea pig saint. Thank you for what you're doing. I was checking links and Betty's had been taken down--I got so worried until I realized it was the extra listing. My apartment doesn't allow pets either, but they said yes to guineas. I don't know what I would have done if they hadn't!

Anonymous said...

Well Betty is adopted ! YAY

S.B. said...

Oh I am so happy! I was so worried when I saw her listing had been taken down. I was going to ask you but I didn't want my worries confirmed. This is great!

Anonymous said...

Norfolk SPCA is a no kill shelter :) . I called and asked about her and they told me she was adopted by a couple who seem very knowledgeable about GP's.:)