* If responding to a Craigslist ad meet in a public place, or go with a friend. Google the phone number of the poster to
ensure it matches the name he or she gives *
LISTING REMOVED. Norfolk, VA: Ugh, vomit. Poster got two guinea pigs for her daughter for Christmas "and now she does not want to take care of them, she wants a bunny instead." Why not get her a BB gun so she can wreak even more havoc on the animal kingdom? Of course then she'll probably want a glock, haha oh kids. Poster is too busy to take care of the guinea pigs, so now they are being dumped for a reasonable rehoming fee on Craigslist. The poster says the pigs are both girls, "one is bigger than the other, but they are both babies." I would double check the sex and make sure that "bigger" guinea pig isn't a 6 for 1 deal. Guinea pigs come with a number of supplies; undoubtedly the cage will be too small.
And with that, I'm off! Keep looking to the stars.
helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?" & "What is Rescuing and Adopting?" & Social Cause Marketing & Guinea Pigs in PA/NY/NJ/WV
And another one ! http://norfolk.craigslist.org/pet/523398046.html
I just want to let you know that these two lovely girls came home with us on the 31st. New Year piggies!
Let me know, if you want this updated. I can send pics and they have some on GL as well. Welcome back by the way.
Oh how wonderful! I had no idea. I don't think I saw your first comment, I had no idea these two were adopted. I would love to feature these two as a Happy Adoption Story if you'd like to write one up. Here's the prompt: http://www.guinealynx.info/forums/viewtopic.php?t=41373
Where are these pigs on GL? I'd love to see them! I'm also not sure what your GL name is actually.
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