Monday, October 22, 2007

VA-Rockingham-Harrisonburg SPCA

Rockingham-Harrisonburg SPCA has pictures of two guinea pigs with no accompanying information. Very worrying. Can someone help out the poor cavies?

If you want to try and identify them when you call, the black and white one's picture was saved as Smigee, and the brown one was saved as LouLou.



Also worrying, the SPCA says they don't need much space. Knowing how many people give up their animals because they "don't have room," that doesn't seem true. Plus, two guinea pigs need 2x4ft of space, minimum, as well as space to have supervised time playing on the floor, daily.

helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?"


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