LISTING REMOVED. Simba is a 14 month old boy who was given up because his owners had no time/room for him. How could they not spend hours every day just staring at this handsome boy? Simba is going to have a harder time in the shelter because of his ruby colored eyes. I still don't get that-PEW's fur is just as soft!

LISTING REMOVED. Jules is an 18 month old girl. She looks so cute and petite! She was given up because her owners had no time/room for her. Hopefully she won't have to suffer for their decision very long, and she will find a loving forever home that knows a guinea pig is a lifelong pet.

LISTING REMOVED. Panda is so handsome. He's a three year old guinea pig who is bonded with Pumkin. They were given up because of allergies. Please research any pet before you bring him, her, or them into your home.

LISTING REMOVED. Pumkin is listed as a 10 month old boy who is bonded with Panda. He likes dark leafy greens and has a gorgeous white crest. I'm probably wrong...but Pumkin is sort of showing the shape of an early pregnant sow. I think it's just the way he's standing...regardless, just remember that guinea pigs are regularly missexed, especially when you buy them at a pet store (even ones that only sell males).

LISTING REMOVED. Powder is a seven month old girl who is illustrating a big guinea caretaking no no. NEVER keep your guinea on wire floors. They can break the bones in their feet, get bumblefoot which might lead to amputation, and it's just not easy for them to walk with their delicate footpads. Powder was given up because her owner had not time/room for her. This beautiful poor girl...she is completely innocent and vulnerable.

helpful links: Quality Hay and Pellets in bulk & Pampering your Pig & Cheaper, Larger Cages & Bedding & Essential Guinea Supplies & Proper Diet & Cavy Savvy Vets & "What's Normal? What's Not?"
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